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Riverside-Bradford Baseball

Riverside-Bradford Baseball


Board Meeting Minutes 

November 2, 2020 

7:02PM – 8:02PM 

Call to Order 

In attendance: Matt Souza, Jared Duemling, Jenn Duemling, Michael Nutton, Jonathan Elwell,  Wayne Knight, Seth Heisler, Randel George, PJ Panneton, Andy DiPietro, Pat Lavigne, Bill  McCarthy, Kyle Walker, Seth Heisler, Rocky Libucha 

Treasurer’s Report 

• Andy made the motion; Wayne seconded the motion. Accepted unanimously.  


1. Fall Ball Recap 

a. 9U and 6U were able to get in at least one (1) more game to finish out the season  after a two-week COVID delay 

b. 12U got in their playoff games and Bill McCarthy’s Rivercats won the  championship 

c. Only 1 family requesting a refund at this time 

d. Discussed rule changes (i.e. 3 run cap/inning, etc) 

i. Overall, very positive feedback 

ii. Helped move pace of play along in a positive manner 

iii. Gave more kids the opportunity to pitch, which resulted in better roster  management 

iv. Games remained competitive  

2. Financial (Audit) Update 

a. October 2020 Balance Sheet and P&L sent out on Sunday, 11/1 for board review b. Need to file 2020 Annual Report 

c. Status of tax return requested by Jenn; Jared following up with Jim (former  Treasurer) to get an update 

d. There is $600 in uncashed checks that need to be tracked down and cashed by or  reissued to payee

3. Committees for 2021 Season 

a. 3-4 members per committee / 1 committee lead  

i. Sponsorship Committee 

1. Andy (lead), Jonathan, Matt, Pat 

ii. Equipment Committee 

1. PJ (lead), Bill, Wayne 

iii. Uniform Committee 

1. Jared (lead), Mike, Jenn 

iv. Competition Committee 

1. Andy (lead) 

v. Fields Committee 

1. Matt (lead) 

a. Matt will follow-up with Ben and Vinny with the City to ensure  

we have ample fields next season and they’ll be in good  


b. Several fields were not maintained during Summer/Fall season,  

but we were contained to Riverside Bradford so there was zero  


4. Registration 

a. Looking to get a head start on registration 

b. Can we send flyers out in the school system(s) or do a mass emailing to families in  the district? 

i. Michael Nutton to reach out to Nathan Gage, Assistant Principal, at  Hunking School 

ii. Peter Stoehr to reach out to Susan Downer, Principal, at Sacred Hearts to  do the same 

c. Can we post a banner on/near the Trinity Stadium sign?  

d. Can we do in-person registrations?  

i. By appointment only? At the library? 

ii. Jonathan suggested a drive through registration using the AMVETS parking  lot 

5. Executive BOD Roles / Responsibilities 

a. Matt reviewed briefly and everyone seems to have a firm understanding of what’s  expected of them 

6. Charter / Insurance Important Dates 

a. Matt needs login credentials for SI Play website; he will call the company to get  this info 

b. Randel to assist if need be

7. Player Evals 

a. Approximately 90 players were evaluated in October, ages 9-12 

b. Two sessions held and things went great 

c. Winter evals (indoor) are TBD 

8. Equipment Drop-Off / Inventory 

a. Need approximately 5-7 board members to assist with drop-off and inventory i. Drop-Off is set for this Thursday, 11/5 from 3-7PM 

1. Andy and Jonathan will cover 3-5PM 

2. Jonathan and Jared will cover 5-7PM 

ii. Inventory is set for this Saturday, 11/7 from 9AM-12PM 

1. Kyle, Matt, PJ, Peter, and Bill will be onsite 

b. Dumpster access – Michael Nutton has access or we can use dumpster(s) at RB 

9. Cooperstown Update 

a. Matt mailed the check last week 

b. Fundraisers – raised approximately $3,000 to date 

i. Chicken Connection netted $206.99 

ii. Krueger’s Pizza fundraiser next Thursday, 11/12 

iii. Wreath Fundraiser – coming soon 

iv. Superbowl Squares – coming soon 

10.Costello Insurance Sponsorship Mishap 

a. Error was already acknowledged, and apology issued to sponsor; shirts were  misprinted with Costello Electric  

b. Jenn to issue a refund check in the amount of $600 and Jared will deliver to Andy  on Tuesday, 11/3  

c. Andy to discuss mishap with Billy Costello from Costello Insurance

11.Open Floor / Agenda Items 

a. Jerseys – item for December meeting 

i. Open to new vendors 

ii. Wayne suggested Todd’s Sporting Goods in Beverly; Wayne to follow-up  with vendor 

iii. Matt has a couple of ideas too and will follow-up w/the vendors in his  network 

iv. Vendors should have MLB licensing rights 

b. Renaming fields – going to rename to minimize any further confusion; City calls  them one things and RB calls them another 

c. Fields need to be remeasured in the Spring 

Motion to Adjourn 

• Jonathan made the motion to adjourn at 8:02PM; Michael seconded the motion.  Accepted unanimously.  

Submitted, Peter Stoehr, Secretary 


Riverside-Bradford Baseball
PO Box 5483 
Bradford, Massachusetts 01835

Email: [email protected]

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